Monday, September 19, 2005

No More Excuses, Philippines!

Our country is in a dire situation right now. Oil prices have gone nowhere but up, the cost of living is becoming too expensive to be afforded by our fellow countrymen. Salaries stay almost the same, we have so much problems with traffic, garbage, crime, graft - you name it, we've got it.

What can we do? Do we need new projects?

I say (and a lot of other people say this too), we don't need new projects. What we need are new ways to implement existing projects. It's there already - from traffic rerouting to garbage segregation - the works. Basically our main problem is discipline (or, shall I say, the lack of it). If all people were disciplined enough to keep their candy wrappers in their pockets and wait till they get to a proper trash bin to throw it out, then our streets would be a lot cleaner. If our drivers were disciplined enough to follow the traffic rules and regulations, then our roads would be a lot less congested, and fewer accidents would occur.

The thing is, we always tend to put the blame on a lot of factors - the MMDA is not doing its job properly, we don't have good roads, garbage collection is almost nonexistent, we're not getting support from the government, much-needed funds for country-wide development projects are being used for country clubs and mansions of the corrupt officials, etc., etc. The question that arises now here is, SO WHAT? Should we worry about who to blame for everything, or should we worry about what we can do to help lessen these problems?

We should not be so hasty as to assigning a scapegoat for our problems. All of us - myself included - are guilty as to why we are all suffering. We are all guilty for our lack of self-discipline. No more excuses, Philippines! It's time to stop quacking, get off our asses, and start actually doing something to lessen these problems, one small step at a time. Believe me, big accomplishments start with small steps.

Join Rock Ed Philippines and start making those small steps.