Friday, September 8, 2006

Rockin' On

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Finally, I get to go back and show support to Rock Ed Philippines! After quite a long hiatus, I'm back! Enjoy talaga!

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White bands. Symbols of support for the goals of Rock Ed. Wear the white band now. Available at all events and gigs where Rock Ed Philippines is present. To learn more about Rock Ed Philippines, how to volunteer, event skeds, and whatnot, visit their website at Or you can also text the keyword ROCKEDPHIL and send it to these numbers: 2948 for Globe and Sun Cellular subscribers, or 3940 for Smart subscribers.

It's about time. And as the first picture says, "No more excuses, Philippines!"

Pictures by yours truly. Captured using my (sister's) Sony Cybershot DSC-S40 at Dish ABS-CBN, ELJCC Building, QC, on September 7, 2006.